Edition 2017

International composition competition Torre della Quadra 2017


Ulrike Mayer-Spohn Chamber music, Section winner

BIO – Extraordinary diversity characterizes the composer and multi-instrumentalist Ulrike Mayer- Spohn: recorder (focus contemporary music) as well as historic string instruments (baroque violin and fiddle).
Studies of composition and audio designs with Erik Oña at the “Studio für Elektronische Musik” and the Hochschule für Musik in Basel. First compositions from 2007, comissions by Festival Forum Wallis, International New Music Days Shanghai, Chaotic Moebius, Ensemble Inverspace and UmeDuo. Her works are performed by Stuttgarter Vocalsolisten, Ensemble Phoenix Basel, Vertigo, DissonArt, L’Arsenale, Cool a cappella (1. price world choir games 2008) and her own Ensemble Ums‘n Jip in Switzerland, France, Greece, Italy, Russia, Australia, USA and China.
Second price at the composition competition Culturescapes 2010, Second price at the composition competition Musikfestivals Bern 2011, Scholarship Award 2011 Music Village Mount Pelion Greece, Call for Scores Award L’Arsenale Treviso Italy 2011, Finalist MATA Wettbewerb 2013, Finalist “Trabant”-Ausschreibung Ensemble Phoenix, first price at the composition competition London Ear 2016.
As recorderplayer Ulrike Mayer-Spohn studier with Ulrike Mauerhofer at Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, with Conrad Steinmann und Corina Marti at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Afterwards she specialized in contemporary music and continued her studies with Dorothea Winter at Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag. 2009-11 specialized Master contemporary Performance at HSM Basel bei Jürg Henneberger, Marcus Weiss und Mike Svoboda. ì
Together with the Swiss composer and singer Javier Hagen she founded the experimental ensemble for contemporary music “Ums ‘n Jip” for voice, recorder and electronics. Ums ‘n Jip is next to Ensemble Modern, Intercontemporain and Kronos one of the most active ensembles all over the world and won the prestigious scholarship of MusicPro in 2011.
Since 1999 Ulrike Mayer-Spohn plays as recorderplayer or violinist in ensembles specialized in early music such as Amsterdam Barok Compagnie, Freitagsakademie, Collegium Musicum Stuttgart, La Chapelle Ancienne, Musica Poetica, Muscadin and La Morra and gives concerts all over the world.

Yu-Yeol Byeon Special Mention, Duo Category

BIO – Yu-Yeol Byeon (b. 1986, Daegu, South Korea) is a composer. Currently, he is studying music composition at The Department of Music, Graduate School of Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea.


Keimyung University 2016-present, M.M. in composition.
Keimyung University 2005-13, B.M. in composition.


Keimyung University(M.M.): Seongah Shin (2016-present)
Keimyung University(B.M.): Seung-Seon Lee (2013), Sukhi Kang (2011-12),Zbignew Rudzinski (2005), Chul-Woo Lee (2005)
Master Classes: Unsuk Chin (2014), Zigmunt Krauze (2012)


Monad (2016) for Koomeii-Vocal and Live electronics
15/10/2016, Chamber Hall, Daegu Concert House, Daegu, South Korea
Revue Articulé (2013) for Koomeii-Vocal and Five Instruments
24/06/2013, Daegu International Contemporary Music Festival, Besel Hall, Daegu Arts Center, Daegu, South Korea
Memento Mori (2012) for Koomeii-Vocal and Piano
15/02/2013, East-Asia International Contemporary Music Festival, Haedam Hall, Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea
Ave Verum Corpus (2011) for Soprano and Six Instruments
10/11/2011, Haedam Hall, Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea

Emre Dündar Special Mention, Solo Category

BIO – Emre Dündar was born in İstanbul in 1972. He started playing the piano at an early age. During the early years of his youth, he continued to work in music as well as in painting; he studied in Mehmet Güleryüz’s workshop for six years, participated in many solo and group exhibitions. He studied piano, conducting, and composition at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. He studied composition with İlhan Usmanbaş, Özkan Manav, and Hasan Uçarsu.During 2000-2002, he conducted Eskişehir Symphony Orchestra and worked as its art director. He won Ministry of Culture’s National Composers Contest in the year 2004.
From 2000 and on, he gave lectures on music theory and orchestration at Yıldız Technical University Design Faculty, Eskişehir Anadolu University State Conservatory, and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University State Conservatory. During this period, he has also participated in many events as soloist and chamber music pianist.In 2016 he was selected as finalist in Basel Composition Competition.
The composer creates works using the acoustic and electroacoustic mediums and utilizes many of the prominent techniques and tendencies of particularly the second half of the 20th century in various contexts. The composer has a deep interest for the musical value and counterparts of the act of speaking-telling, and frames his musical language around the notion of “narration”, focusing on ancient rhetorical traditions in particular. He establishes the expressive contexts of his works on the basis of different forms taken by the concept of narration during its journey throughout the history and on various possible applications of the act of “narration”. In this sense, poetry and formal problems of poetry have a direct impact on the composer’s musical language.


Stefano Gervasoni | Composer, President of the commission – http://www.stefanogervasoni.net


Dagfinn Koch | Composer (Norway) – http://www.dagfinnkoch.net


Giorgio Colombo Taccani | Composer – http://www.colombotaccani.it


Marco Lombardi | Composer, “Ensemble Nuove Musiche” Member – http://marcolombardi.eu